Friday, April 2, 2010

100 days!

There are officially 100 more days until we tie the knot! Jim is finally home from India and after settling in for a day or two while he gets over the jet lag, we'll be picking up his ring from the jeweler!

I feel as if there's still so much left do but it's mostly all the details. My sister Jodie (hopefully) picked up fabric for the brides/groomsmaids dresses today with her mother-in-law. I have 6 pairs of shoes sitting on the floor from which I have to choose the lucky pair that I'll be wearing on the BIG DAY! I've already made a few samples of the wedding invitations and have to choose which one we like the most. By the way, if you haven't done so already, please create and post a Mii on our wedding website! We're collecting them from our guests for the wedding. :o)

Did I mention that it's very nice to have Jim home again?

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