Monday, April 12, 2010

Dress is in!

Yesterday marked our 3 month countdown until the big day and we have been diligently checking off our to-do lists. After buying 7 pairs of shoes, I am keeping a pair to go with my dress. Thank goodness for Zappos! And after about 4-5 attempts on making invitation draft styles, we've settled with one but are still having a difficult time finding the right color. Jim's ring came out perfect (custom-made octagon and circle) and we have that in possession so that's all taken care of. Last weekend, we worked on re-caulking our bathtub. It was horribly done and we've been meaning to re-do ever since we moved in. It looks 1,000 times better! My sister bought the fabric for the bridesmaids dresses and all the shoes for both the bridesmaids and nieces came in. The best thing of all -- my dress came in! I haven't picked it up yet but it came in about 3 weeks earlier than I thought. I'm so excited! Tuesday's the day I get to pick it up. :o)

Next up, we're working on trying to get a new photographer assigned to us by Bella Photography. The guy they initially assigned just didn't cut it so we're requesting a new one. We also need to knock down the rentals for the SYC. We've also got to keep looking for the perfect paper for our invites. (crossing my fingers in that one). This weekend, we're waking up way before dawn to meet Euri, our florist and my old high school friend, downtown at the Flower Mart. She's going to show me flowers that she's pairing up for our bouquets and boutonnieres. We're also going to buy the vases for the centerpieces. Then Jim is off to play in a beach volleyball tournament. (We played in one this past weekend for charity and won the 50-50 raffle!).

It's definitely going to be a busy next couple of months but it's sure going to fly by! Can't wait!

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