Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy (Belated) 4 Year Anniversary!

So this past Sunday was our 4 year anniversary. So far, we've only spent half our anniversaries together. Last year, I was out of the country for my MBA.PM Globe trip to Korea/China and this year, Jim is in India. We've never really been HUGE on celebrating -- just as long as we celebrated somehow, it's okay with us. So how did I spend our anniversary on Sunday? I got up around 9:30am, treated myself to a Super Onion bagel from Noah's up in PV, went to the Farmer's Market, then to Fresh and Easy (love that store!), and spent the afternoon hanging out with my friend (and fellow bridesmaid) Elizabeth. We attempted to go to Downtown but it was too late. So we went on a quest to find some fabric but ended up buying storage boxes for all my wedding knick knacks. Since Jim's been gone, I've been making decisions to buy things so we have them in our possession. (Shhh!) This way, we don't forget anything. Overall a good day. The weather was great! Just wished a particular someone was home to soak in the sun and enjoy it with me. Just another week left and he will be home! :o)

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